We help owners to oversee all the activities happening in the daycare by having an accessibility of reports that can help the owner to take decisions and to plan for future enhancements .
360Daycare İşletmenizi takip etmek için muhasebe çözümü. Web ve mobil uygulamamızı kullanarak her zaman ve her yerden erişilebilen kolay bir araçla, Kreş sahipleri ve muhasebeciler, kreş mali durumunu tek bir tıklamayla kontrol edebilirler .
Çocukları, ebeveynleri, öğretmenleri ve yönetimi bir araya getiren en gelişmiş ve sezgisel günlük bakım yönetimi çözümü
We help owners to oversee all the activities happening in the daycare by having an accessibility of reports that can help the owner to take decisions and to plan for future enhancements .
We help teachers to organize and to facilitate her daily work by adding them into our system this will give the teacher more time to innovate and create engaging learning materials and lesson plans that will be delivered either online or face to face .
We help accountants to add all the invoices and expenses for the daycare using our full-fledged accounting and billing software . The accountants will have better look on the payment procedures and workflows.
We communicate with the parents through our real-time mobile application with every activity their child did during their time at the daycare . The parents will be able to follow up on their child in a very effective way .
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